Advisory, risk consulting and risk management, background checks of future business partners, reputation verification, security assessments for geographical regions but also business sectors; in-depth research about relevant developments of political, economical, security and business sectors. Assisting in situations where dispute settlement is needed. Contact brokering out of our vast network when a special support is needed by a client.
In special circumstances we can also offer live monitoring services for any given topic or geographical area in sub-Sahara Africa.
Just contact us and together we will develop a strategy to solve your challenge.
In the beginning of the analytical process we stay in close contact with our clients to understand what are the relevant points to them, where do they need our support or even where do we have to make them aware of points they were not conscious of before.
Afterwards, we define the ‘known-unknown’ and reach out to our wide spanning network of regional experts who are sharing the same passion for the African continent as we do. Once again, when puzzling together the pieces for the broader picture for the client we enter in close exchange with her or him to get last updates before producing the final draft.
Finally, we present our product and enter into a dialogue about the next steps to make and if and how we can support those further measures.
We know that our clients expect the most accurate and latest information on any topic they task us with. Therefor, we are always at the forefront when it comes to being informed of political, economical, social developments with all the challenges for stability and security in any given African country, especially in sub-Sahara countries.
The people working for EUFRICAN are all specialists in their respective discipline with highly analytical skills and years long field experiences on different continents. Fluency in at least three languages is standard. Our staff unites digital nomads, former senior law enforcement agents and soldiers, academical analysts from different disciplines with at least a PhD or detaining university double degrees. Lawyers with in depth knowledge of different regional law traditions, be it the civil or common law tradition, and international laws complete our teams.
But what makes the difference is their unique academical background and their first hand experience on the African continent.
There are many companies present on the African continent, but no one is like our unique team.
We tell you what you have to know when talking about the topic that is of you interest. Up to date information that is placed in the broader context and shows you the path forward. Scenario analysis showing options, possibilities to connect with partners from our network. Securing your interests by knowing what to do next.
We write short with no unnecessary huge historical entries or a vast use of images or graphics to tell you what is relevant. Uncertainties are not hidden, but clearly addressed as such. We really tell you what is our point.
Seeing the challenge from your perspective and understanding your reasoning enables us to swiftly address the obstacles and search for possible options for a satisfying solution. If we don’t already posses the necessary kind of information we reach out to our network to get it in the shortest delay. We keep in close touch with our clients during the processing so we can adapt in case of any change of situation. We always ensure that our final product meets your current needs.
We deliver first hand in depth analysis of events, crises and larger developments that are of your concern. Double checking what we learn from our partners is standing procedure. Our business is only following confirmed facts, rumors have no chance.
We present professional assessments of the highest standards that you can deal with. There is no hiding of uncertainties, we tell you exactly what our assessment is and how you should deal with the situation. Our papers are praised for their clear and frank language.
In 2017 Alex(ander) Anders decided to officially found his own company and do things differently. When advising clients where and how to invest or even helping to answer their questioning of weather they should drop their project, there are no simple answers.
Alex saw this as his opportunity to make the difference. The idea of EUFRICAN BUSINESS NETWORK was born. The concept is simple and unique at the same time: Listen to your customer carefully and offer tailored solutions that really suit. No standard set of presentation slides, no little helpful standard answers, but thoughtfully researched and written papers and regional and local contacts helping you to reach yours goals.
Out of his long experience in the field of strategic investments where he dealt with projects in Africa especially sub-Sahara African region time and again Alex knew by heart what counts when setting up a new project or changing it’s scope. With his unique networks of contacts throughout the region he brought together the makers.
In November 2024 the next generation of Africa experts took over the lead from Alex. We will continue to develop further Alex vision of advising how it should be.
Discretion is primordial: As our clients need highly professional and discrete services it is our policy not to publicly display them. Upon request we can offer references from a wide range of satisfied clients who would be more than happy to supply our future clients with a personal feedback.